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My Story So Far...

Hello fellow creators,


I am currently studying illustration and animation on my own time after I graduated from college; I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz for Film and Digital Media. 

I am a fan of fantasy, action, adventure, romance, and musicals in film, animation, and stage. I would like to write a story of my own someday.


I am often challenged with social anxiety, but I make up for that by having a huge, crazy imagination. On my days off, I juggle with improving artwork, studying animation techniques, taking online courses for drawing and video editing, and working on my portfolio to apply to a job in the entertainment industry.

Struggling with social anxiety growing up, I spent my whole life in school as a shy student who always did all his work and sacrificed a social life for a 4.0 GPA. I did manage to make good friends who supported me along the way, even the new friends I made quickly in UCSC. With this newfound freedom to explore my own choices and become and open-minded, understanding individual, I realized that my true passion in life was to create art with unashamed passion and meaningful purpose.

I would like to someday be in a position where I can create freely, communicate with great friends and other artists, and liven the spirits of people to see life in a new perspective.

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